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Society of Anaesthetists of the South Western Region 

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Trainee Prizes

Update for 2025 coming soon...

Intersurgical Presentation Prize at Exeter 21/22 November 2024

I am delighted to welcome submissions for the SASWR Intersurgical Presentation Prize 2024. Open to all trainee/resident members of SASWR. If you’re not a member, please join our wonderful society here!

Submissions should be <500 words (excluding references). Following review by our panel, four entrants will then be invited to present at the meeting on Thurs 21st November. Each presenter will be given 10 minutes to present plus up to 5 minutes of questions. A panel will score each presentation, and the winner announced later in the meeting.

  • Deadline for submission October 18th
  • Please submit your abstract to
  • 4 entrants will be invited to present at the SASWR Meeting in Exeter 21/22nd November
  • You will be informed by 10th November if you have been successful
  • Those not invited to present may be invited to display a poster and compete for the Poster Prize
  • If you would just like to be entered for the poster competition please make that clear on your submission
  • There will be 1st and 2nd prizes for the Intersurgical Presentation competition, and also 1st and 2nd prizes for the posters!

Good luck!

Pete Valentine


General guidance and rules for SASWR prizes:

Trainee Prize Guidance.pdf



    SASWR c/o Department of Anaesthesia 

    Location A 704

    Bristol Royal Infirmary

    Bristol BS2 8HW

    tel: +44 (0)117 342 2301


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