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Society of Anaesthetists of the South Western Region 

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Logging In

Use the head & shoulders symbol in the top right corner or Login


In 2019 we transitioned from 'legacy' membership to 'digital' membership. Anyone who wishes to remain a member or register for a meeting must join (or re-join) at this website, regardless of your former status.

Meeting Registration

You need to be logged in here as a digital member (see above) to access meeting registration. Until then, the options will be greyed-out. Some people who are not digital members but wish to register for a meeting will need to join SASWR as a separate transaction. Once subscribed and logged in, meeting registration will become available.

Website Functions for Members

Guide here demonstrates how to use the members area, accessed using the head & shoulders / view profile

You can view your membership details, invoices, payment details, meeting registrations mailing preferences and more.

How do I cancel my membership?

You can cancel automatic subscriptions and adjust your mailing preferences.

To truly cancel your membership please contact admin at

Let us know what else should go here:

Email :



SASWR c/o Department of Anaesthesia 

Location A 704

Bristol Royal Infirmary

Bristol BS2 8HW

tel: +44 (0)117 342 2301


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